Niclas ”Almost Lifeson” Sköld


About Me

History & Influences

I probably became interested in guitar playing back in 1975 at the age of 10. Trained a lot of chord technique then, and got good help from my music-practicing father to get started. Then I learned a lot from the theoretical piece of music in guitar playing. The years went by and it started to be more & more about rock / hard rock in different forms. AC / DC, Van Halen, Black Sabbath and Ozzy were some of the bands that caught my interest in music.

As a teenager, the taste for music shifted to more symphonic and progressive rock such as RUSH, Genesis, SAGA, to name a few. It was now at the age of 14-15 that the interest in starting to play Rush songs on guitar really began. Me and the drummer Johan Lindecrantz and the bassist Hans ”Vette” Liljebladh then started to take out songs from the first records from 1974-75.

We had a little performance at a party out in the countryside in a gym. We played Working Man, Anthem and Best in Can i.a. It was a wonderful feeling, and this is where it all started…



Gibson Les Paul Faded ’60
Gibson Alex Lifeson Les Paul Axcess R40 signed by Alex Lifeson
Epiphone semi acoustic 335 style
ESP MH 1000 See Through Blue
Ibanez acoustic 6 strings steel
Applause acoustic 6 strings nylon
Brazilian acoustic 8 strings steel
Line 6 and — wireless system


Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II with footboard MFC101 MkIII
Palmer Macht 402 Stereo amp 19″
Hughes & Kettner Switchblade
Gallien & Krueger 250ML
Marshall 4×12″ speaker
Hughes & Kettner 4×12″ speaker


Various dists as MXR +, Eternal love, Rat, T808 OD, Tube Drive 3-knob
Various delays as Vintage stereo delay, Dual delay, 2290 w modulation, Stere tape delay, analog and digital stereo delay and Ambient delay.
Various reverbs as 
Various chorus as Boss CE-2, Vintage tape, Tri-chorus, Roland SDD-320 Dimension D and a Dual chorus.
Various phazers as Maestro MP-1, MXR phase 90 and a Morley Pro PFA Phaser.
Various other effects as Gate/Expander, Boss NS-2 noise killer, Chromatic pitch, Studio FF Compressor 2.
Filters as 8 band Equalizer, Parametric filter, Highshelf, Spatial expander.
Other effects is TC Electronics G-force, Boss Superchorus for Piezo sound, a Cry baby Wah-wah, Boss volume pedal, EH Electric Mistress and a Mooer Octaver.


Roland PK5 Midi/Tauruspedales
Roland D70

My Gallery

RASH Moving Pictures Mix 1 // RASH - Moving pictures
  1. RASH Moving Pictures Mix 1 // RASH - Moving pictures